様々な団体が加盟するユースなんみんプラットフォーム(YRP)では、スイス・ジュネーブで開催された世界最大の難民に関する国際会議「第2回 グローバル難民フォーラム」を前に、難民包摂の達成に向けた中期行動方針・目標となる「Pledge(宣言)」を策定しました。
「第2回 グローバル難民フォーラム」(共催:国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)、スイス、共同議長国:日本、コロンビア、フランス、ヨルダン、ウガンダ、会期:2023年12月13日‐15日)には、YRPと難民の背景を持つ若者が運営するEmPATHyが、日本の難民リード団体を代表して参加しました。

1) ともに連帯を強化し、インパクトを拡大する
2) ともに学ぶ
3) ともに難民と連携する
4) ともに社会を形創る
「ユースなんみんプラットフォーム(YRP)」の協力団体数の増加・連帯強化を行います。 YRPの「難民と生きる3指針」である「共鳴・共歩・共創」に共感する組織との連携を強め、活動のインパクトを拡大させます。 協力団体には以下3つの形態があります。
2) ともに学ぶ
YRPは協力団体などと連携し、定期的にアドボカシーや啓発発信、勉強会、難民支援などを行い、日常的な学び合いの機会を創出します。 また、ラジオ・開発中のゲームアプリ・イベント・キャンペーン・SNS等の機会やツールを最大限に活用して、日常的な日本全国での連携を強化します。
YRPは、難民の背景のあるユースとともに、ユース団体が連携して難民に関する問題解決に取り組み、様々な背景を持つ人々がともに生きる社会を創ります。また、そのプロセスがユースのエンパワメントにも寄与することを目指します。 2023年11月に東京でYRPが開催した、「第一回ユースグローバルなんみんフォーラム(ユースGRF)」を2年に一度程度の頻度で開催します。ユースGRFは、世界難民の日や「グローバル難民フォーラム」などのタイミングに合わせて開催します。 世界各地のユースや難民当事者、様々な組織が繋がり、国を越えて好事例を学びあい、今後の取り組みを宣言しあいます。
Youth with Refugees Platform (YRP), as the refugee-focused youth platform organization in Japan, is committed to solidarity with refugees and youth in Japan and around the world. We are pleased to announce our pledge to promote meaningful participation of people from diverse backgrounds including refugees, and a whole-of-society approach.
1) Strengthen solidarity and Expand impact of our activities together
2) Learn together
3) Work together for and with refugees
4) Build society together
The pledge details to:
1)Strengthen solidarity and Expand impact of our activities
We will increase the number of participating members and strengthen the solidarity of cooperating organizations of Youth with Refugees Platform. We will strengthen partnerships with organizations that share "the three guiding principles of living with refugees" : empathy, support, and creation and whilst expanding the impact of our activities. In addition to strengthening cooperation with the 16 current member organizations, we will increase the number of cooperating organizations as follows.
●Participating and Endorsing youth organizations:
Increase the number of youth organizations that are engaged in refugees and that work on the platform. Also, our aim is to increase the number of youth organizations that deal with a wide range of social issues such as politics, advocacy, climate change, global health, volunteer participation, well-being, and achieving inclusive society with people of diverse backgrounds and that work with the Platform in a variety of activities. By 2025, we will increase the number of cooperating organizations from the current 16 to 30.
●"With Refugees" Circle:
Promote, strengthen, and expand partnerships with corporations, foundations, NGOs/NPOs, local governments, educational institutions, and international organizations that share YRP's three guiding principles for creating an inclusive society with refugees.
2) Learn together
Cooperating organizations will regularly collaborate in advocacy, raise awareness dissemination, host study groups to learn about each other's daily activities, and provide tailored support to the needs of refugees. We will strengthen daily collaboration with cooperating organizations throughout in Japan through broadcasting YRP's radio, publishing a game app which is currently under development, hosting events, champaign and operating campaigns and on social media.
3) Work together for and with refugees
YRP draws on the diversity and experience of refugees, and the wealth of experience of partner organizations, to promote a process whereby the voices and experiences of diverse refugees are reflected in policies and services. The aim is to overcome stereotypes associated with refugees by bringing society together and providing a safe space where they can express their views freely and without prejudice. To this end, YRP will coordinate consultations by EmPATHy, which is run in collaboration with young people from refugee backgrounds, to create opportunities for partner organizations to participate in activities, think together and work together to solve problems faced by refugees.
4) Build society together
Together with youth with refugee backgrounds, YRP works with youth organizations to solve problems related to refugees and create a society where people from different backgrounds can live together. We also aim to ensure that this process contributes to youth empowerment. We will organize a youth-led Global Refugee Forum(Youth-led GRF). The youth-led GRF, the first of which was held in November 2023, will be held once every two years. The youth-led GRF will reflect the milestones such as World Refugee Day and the Global Refugee Forum. Youth, refugee parties, and various organizations from around the world will connect, learn from each other's good practices across countries, and pledge their future efforts.